Tuesday 28 August 2012

Calling for Fosterer or Adopter

Call for a FOSRERER or ADOPTER for Rex:
Rex, 10 months old pup, happy, a lot engery, need regular walk, he has skin condition now.
We have been to Jireh Vet today for the health check, he responsed well with all the blood test and skin biopsy, which confirms his skin issue is due to the food allergy and previous owner did not notice. he finished his 3rd vaccination today, and on heartworm/ flea prevention, and he is on food trial to improve the condition. he is medium size, 24.3 kg now, Vet said it was normal for a pup, but he will be bigger.
The owner is going oversea this weekend, so need to remove him by this Sat(1st September), he is very energetic, We are looking for experience fosterer and someone can adopt him, his skin is not going to spread to any dog or human.
we are going to take care of the sterlization cost if he is adopted before sterlized.
Please help to share this, anyone can fosterer or adopt him, please contact me 85226760.

Posted by: https://www.facebook.com/minni.you

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