Tuesday 18 September 2012

May I ask Jack Russell isit a good dog to train or a recommended dogs to adopt?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, it really depends on the 'mood' of the Jack Russell.
IF you have googled about Jack Russells,it is said that most of the JRT are active and most said that JRT are not good with children but some says JRT are good with children.
But, from the 'good with children' aspect, it really have to depend on the individuals of the JRT. If i'm not wrong if the JRT has been interacting with children since it's a puppy, i guess for that, JRT will be good with children.
Jack Russell will be easy to train as they are intelligent dogs. If you googled about JRT, you will find about the characteristics of a JRT but don't assume and think that it applies to all JRT.
Do adopt JRT if you really are fond of them as nowadays lots of JRT are being abandoned.
Well, i do hope that you will be able to find your ideal dog and adopt it.